People who never get carried away should be. --Malcom Forbes

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Too Many Bottlecaps...

Ok, something fun to do with all those bottle caps that you keep in a jar or a tin somewhere for no apparent reason other than to record all the cola or beer you drank in the past year???

I made this a while back. It's a simple framed canvas that I bought at A.C. Moore and covered with burlap fabric (I did grow up on what was a farm and it shows on occasion...). Of course these caps are from my high school days so lots of wine coolers are present!  Again I used hot glue (I will argue that hot glue is applicable in more situations than duct tape is) to attach the caps to the burlap, or whatever fabric you want. Just make sure that the fabric is securely attached to the canvas, otherwise the caps will appear to hang off the board. You could just paint the canvas, or even incorporate the caps into a scene. Some of the caps I used I flattened by cutting slits in the rims with wire cutters then spreading them out flat on a hard surface. This works well if you are going for a "sun" shaped cap. I've seen people make earrings, necklaces or key chains out of these flattened caps, but they will CUT you. They are METAL. :)  So use some sandpaper first if you plan to put these things anywhere near your body.

Tip: I found it easier to stick with a geometrical design with this project, especially since the color combinations are easy to put into patterns. 

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