People who never get carried away should be. --Malcom Forbes

Saturday, March 10, 2012

T-Shirt Dog Toys

So I have been in the process of making myself another t-shirt quilt (and they are the warmest, softest and easiest quilts to make!) so needless to say, I have a ton of t-shirt scraps laying around after I get through cutting the fronts off to make quilt squares. Most of the time I use the extra t-shirt fabric to make rags for cleaning or for my dad to use in his shop, but occasionally I make simple dog toys with the scraps.
All you have to do is cut strips of t-shirts, at least 2 inches wide (since they will stretch), then divide them into three groups. Tie all these pieces together, braid them, then finish with another big knot.  You can make them whatever length you want. I made one longer and one short. The more strips you use, the thicker the toy will be. Quick, easy, and recycling! :)

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