You will need a friend to help you do is simply too much yarn to handle by yourself without ending up with huge "Tangles"! Decide what length you want her hair to be and then double that length. You will loop this length over the headband after you get all your pieces cut. This, again, will go much faster if you have a good friend to help you cut your yarn! As you can see we used quite a bit, so that Rapunzel's hair would be thick! Be careful where you put the yarn while you are cutting more...hanging it up somewhere works best, to avoid knots. When you have all your pieces cut, find their mid points and loop through the head band. Have a friend hold the band while you even the yarn out across the band and tie knots on each of the far sides of the band (in the teeth) to hold the whole lot in place. The next part is easy...section your yarn into 3 equal pieces and braid the hair!
After you have your hair braided and tied off at the can decorate it with flowers and leaves! We did this by attaching fake flowers with hot glue. This hair piece is pretty heavy though...and ours was long enough for an adult, as Mommy shows it will have to be pinned in, but what a simple, inexpensive way to plan for a party! We are also in the works on some lanterns that were a central part of the movie...I'll post those when we finish!
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